Winter White Eyebrows?

Amanda Teague, behind the mirror, winter white eyebrows

There comes a time in every young girl’s life when she looks at a magazine filled with beautiful models and says to herself, “I would like to look like that.”


Acceptance vs. Denial: Fall Favorites

Fall Beauty Favorites

For Noa,

Because she doesn’t have to live in denial…
So I am trying to live in acceptance!!!

Denial. Denial is a wonderful condition in which to live… not always, but sometimes. Labor Day weekend marks the end of summer. However, given the industry that I work in, directly after Labor Day weekend I am thrust (and not a good type of thrust) into New York Fashion Week. By the time all of this slows down and I have a second to accept that Summer is in fact over, reality hits me first. Hits me right up against the face when I look in the mirror. Everything I worked on over the last four months is fading fast. The color of my skin, the clear complexion, my natural highlights, my summer glow (if you will) is slowly but surely going to shit. Every morning. Right in front of my very own eyes. I wish I could live in denial.


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